Developing Global Leaders

Meet Asaf

My name is Asaf and I live in a densely populated city in northern India with my parents and brother and sister. When I was a child, I had an easy-going, serving nature was a friend to everyone in my school. I have been challenged throughout my life by anxiety and the ways I overthink the future, particularly throughout Covid. However, I am learning that rather than worrying about my future I pray and focus on building my faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

I grew up in a Christian home where we share prayer time and have a common faith. Through Young Life I have gained a vision for ministry in my community and feel empowered by God as He works in the lives of my friends. My goal as a Young Life leader is to bring many teenagers and youths to Christ, teaching them about how they can have a personal relationship with God.


Through the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, I am an honor student in economics and hope to become an economist for my country as well as run my own business and invest back into my community. My dream for my community is to make a change. Young Life gives me the opportunity to meet young people so that I can guide them in a right way. I trust that small initiatives can make a big change in the community, eventually impacting my entire country in a positive way.


2021 Ministry Metrics:

28 YL Staff, 0 Expats, 179 Volunteers, 527 Average Kids in Club, 192 Average Kids in Campaigners, 40 Ministries


The adolescent population of India is 248 million, ranking 1" in the world.

This number represents over 30% of the world's adolescents, and India is the second-fastest-growing country.

India has approximately 30 million Christians today, less than 2%of its population - there is tremendous opportunity.

The Holy Spirit is active in numerous church-planting movements.

We feel the Lord strongly leading us to join Him in India.

There are more unreached and unengaged people and people groups in this subcontinent than anywhere else.


India is on the Open Doors Watch List of the Top 5O Most Difficult Places to Follow Jesus.

Christianity represents less than 2% of religious affiliations, with Hinduism representing the majority.

Young Life is a mission devoted to introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.

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